Try These Unusual Halloween Recipes At Your Party

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By Nicola Kennedy

There are many Halloween recipes that can be served during the holiday season. Pumpkin pie is probably the oldest and most traditional Halloween recipe around, along with pumpkin cake and an assorted number of bread products. Many people have items such as pumpkin seeds, candy bars, apples and other fruits sitting around as snacks. A bowl full of hard candy is something that is expected during the Halloween season. Having these traditional items around is a good idea but it is also fun to create a few of your own. Below are a few Halloween recipes that are not so traditional.

Halloween cookies – Pick out your families favorite cookies and bake them up hot and fresh. It can be any type of cookie like chocolate chip, peanut butter or sugar cookies. Use orange and black icing to design different Halloween pictures on top of each one. You can draw pumpkins, ghosts or even try your hand at drawing a witch. Any Halloween design will do, so try different ones to see what you can accomplish.

Cupcakes – Cupcakes is another great food that you can dress up and make into a Halloween recipe. Use any type of cake mix that you desire to bake the cupcakes. Once they are cooked and cooled off you can use the orange or black frosting to give the cupcakes the tradition Halloween colors. Then add a special flare to them by placing a small piece of Halloween candy in the center of each one. This could be any type of candy that is shaped like Halloween figures.

Refreshments – Everyone serves refreshments at their dinners, so make them more exciting also. You can do this by using food coloring to turn your beverages into Halloween colors. In the event that you are serving a beverage that you do not want to put food coloring into, you can make the ice cubes that will be used more colorful. You can do this by using the food coloring in the water used to make your ice cubes. This way any cold beverage that you serve can have a touch of the Halloween sprit.

You can come up with all types of ideas when it comes to Halloween recipes. For instance, say you are serving ham as a main course for you meal. You can cut it into slices and use a cookie cutter to shape the ham into Halloween figures to be served to your family and friends. These are just a few Halloween recipe ideas that can be used to make your party a great one.

Nicola always enjoys Halloween parties. Visit her Halloween site for tips and information about Sexy Halloween Costumes at

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