Adults Can Have Fun at Halloween Also

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By Pam Stinson

What will you be wearing for Halloween this year? Nowadays it's not only the children who celebrate Halloween, the adults can have a fun time too.

The roots of Halloween lie in Celtic tradition when villagers used to wear masks and dress up in gruesome costumes on October 31st to scare away evil spirits which they believed were searching for people to possess. Later on in civilization there came masquerade balls where people wore elaborate, feathered masks at dances often held in palaces. Hiding behind masks became a noble tradition.

Moving on towards modern days it's difficult to say when exactly the practice of wearing Halloween costumes came into being but suffice it to say that it is now definitely all part of the tradition.

As regards what you personally will wear on Halloween this year, you must think of the practicalities. You could always dress up as a ghost with a sheet draped over yourself and this may be quite amusing but think of wearing this for a long period of time and it seems less of a good idea. What you're aiming for is amusement value but without actually hiding yourself. You want to show your personality, and obviously you're going to want to socialize, so you'd be better off staying at home if nobody knows who you are.

Your adult Halloween party is bound to involve dancing, eating, drinking and socializing. With this in mind, you want a costume that you can move in. You could easily make a robot costume from two cardboard boxes but you'll need to rely on somebody else to pour your drink and even feed it to you through a straw.

On Halloween it's okay to be creative. There are lots of websites on the internet which will give you tons of suggestions and even show you how to make your own costumes. However, I highly recommend that you hire one because buying one is a pointless expense unless you intend to wear it in the future.

If you're certain that there won't be any children at the party, you shouldn't rule out even a sexy Halloween costume. Once again, the internet is your best bet. There are many online stores out there. It now appears that many adult Halloween costumes are more of a fashion statement than anything to do with tradition. Halloween in modern times is fun for both children and adults. It's not only the children that have something to look forward to this year and I don't mean trick or treat.

Pam has been writing for article directories and blogs for several years now and specializes in alternative medicine, health and fitness, finance, travel, simple living, animal welfare and frugality. Her most recent website is about make your own t shirt, including screen print t shirts that will let you create your own unique creations, while saving money.

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